We are Live! - 19/08/2020
Finally i got this page online, i think, i hope...

Took me like a week but I can say with confidence that this doesn't have any "under construction page" Its all there for you. It was fun writting about my experience with Skyrim and put into words why I cant click with that game.

Also I've been playing the demo of Occult Case Files, A shadowgate like adventure game and can't wait for the full release.


Also I've been listening to a Taiwanesse band called Collage that absolutely rips.

Anyway is nice to have you here c:
Preamble #2 - 18/08/2020
I was not gonna write anything here today but then i remembered

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i was waiting for a reason to replay this.
im so happy rn with this texture pack.
Also i wrote somethings for the fav page or whatever idc new soulreaver mod *-*
Preamble #1 - 17/08/2020
Is doing this before I actually publish the page cheating? I dont want this to be one of those pages that have a lot of "under construction" links. So I'm gonna try to write some placeholder stuff before I publish this.

Filling the sections its not the problem, I have an abstract idea of what I want in all this spaces. The problem it's trying to share stuff about me. I don't really know how to define me. I tend to overthink that kind of stuff. Tbf I tend to overthink almost everything, that's why this simple blog took me a year to really make.

But I finally got to some conclusions:
  1. I will not care for my writting: I try to write in the correct but i also feels thats kinda like a cop talking so i will go back an foward between casual stuff and more formal writting. Don't mind the spelling, im not a native speaker and correcting peoples is kinda cringe
  2. This css its enough: idk if this is gonna be responsibe but for the meantime im just gonna do a simple layout cuz css makes me sad and media query are scary
  3. I will not try to find a good image: I don't like most of them so i will try to edit some shit in gimp to give this place more personality
  4. Its 4 AM and i really need to sleep