I miss WMP. I never used it to it's full capacity with the internet part of the application but what I used to do is use the visualizer to experience my music in a new way. I remember one afternoon arriving home with a new CD of SKA and listening to the full album just watching the forms and colors in the visualizer.
Audio players are so boring now. Only functional. No flair.
I think this is the main reason people still use Winamp, the customization side of applications have been lost for a while now. If you go into the Winamp Museum you can find so many interesting skins made by people just to have fun, to put some of themselves into an application just with the objective of making it more theirs.

I also believe that this is not just a Neocities back to the personalized web kinda thing since most of the popular music on youtube have some sort of visualizer as a video. Most of them have either an after effects animation or a gif from a movie or anime. The freaking lofi girl is a visualizer.
I have a dream. A dumb dream just for me. An audio player with 2 visualizer options, one like the windows media player done with algorithms and another one that is just showing an image or a gif. Being able to set one gif or image per song or playlist. I could code that and make it just for me. Also I could just make it with the songs I like with KDEnlive or Vegas or something but that wouldnt be fun.
またね! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ