Lights off. Lights on. Stabilize - 18/02/2024
This has been a fun month. A couple days after the last blog post my dog bit the charger of my laptop and the charger exploted. Dont worry she is fine. So I had to buy another one, but since this is one of those fancy laptops with a 4070 on it getting a hold of a charger with the required output was kinda hard (Ye i know getting a pc is better but i didnt want to deal with buying the parts and hoping for them to get to my country dont kill me pc nerds). So this whole deal took 2 weeks of my life with no computer and only my phone.

She is fine and swagging

I would rant about how much x86 architecture needs to die and ARM should become the main thing so that phones get more support for software to be actual mini computer on your pocket. But I wont.

After all that I finally got my psychiatric appointment and turns out what I thought all my life was ADHD and depression was in fact something that needed mood stabilizers. So now I'm quitting the depression pills and getting new ones that have been working wonders for me. I can even do some stuff the neurotypical people do like making list and sticking to them.

So then my whole town started burning.

The moment I knew the new pill were working was when like 300 km of forest near the town I live and I was close to be on the evacuation zone and I didnt got cripling anxiety from thinking how I was gonna evacuate with 2 animals on me on a city I have not relatives in. Gladly it didn't get to that.

So with all these stuff happening around I wasn't able to write or do anything actually.

I do have some write ups on draft that I wanna do like Heist: Should the bland be forgotten, Love Live! School idol festival 2 or how does a game get annouced and EOS in the same tweet, Phone gaming extravaganza, How carmilla and dracula differ from each other, Damn them all, the hellblazer alternative.

Of course it doesnt mean anything if I don't post them. And less so cuz just me and a few people are gonna read it. But I like it that way. I used to work on journalist magazine and I would definately not go back to that... but sometimes you have to write an long article or chronicle about something you are interested about.

Oh also I have a litle roadmap for the coding on the site, mainly some small things:
  • RSS for the gaming and book page
  • Better youtube embed on mobile
Anyway i hope to write more here mainly cuz i enjoy it. またね! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ